Sunday, January 23, 2011


We have so much snow here that we are about buried.  We are supposed to have another snow storm on Wednesday into Thursday and if we are going to get as much as they say we are going to get, then that may be a stay at home day for me.  I might be able to get a quilt loaded if I do stay home.

I am slowly but surely making progress to getting a quilt on the frame.  Today I got a little waysided-I had to hem some pants for my daughter from short to shorter.  :) She starts back to work tomorrow after being on maternity leave for 2 months.  That will be a difficult day for her, but she will get back in the swing of things. 

So, since my last post I started to work on my mystery quilt.  I am in charge of the mystery quilt within my guild and I haven't even made the quilt yet.  I usually like to make the quilt prior to handing out the instructions to make sure that the instructions work, but I just didn't have time to put the quilt together this time.  I am working on getting caught up with that. 

I put the borders on my 12 days of Christmas friendship blocks and got the backing ready.  This is now ready to quilt.  Today I also got 3 other quilts ready, along with their backings.  I put one of the king sized quilts on my bed to see if it needed any additions and sure enough it needs at least 6" added to the sides.  I will try to add rows to it since it is a scrappy quilt or I will add borders.  I'll have to see if I have enough of those scraps hanging around.

I want to load the king sized quilts first so I guess I better get my butt moving on those.  The one king sized quilt that is ready just needs to have the backing adjusted just a little.  I bought a 108" piece of backing and the length is fine but I need to add about 3" of muslin on each side so that I can load the quilt on the frame.  My quilt measures 106" square.  Not quite enough of the backing to be loaded on the frame comfortably.  That will be done at some point this week.

Have a great week.l

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